The Electrical Engineering program is over 40% more expensive per year now than when it was back in 2018/19. The Electrical Engineering Club has recognized this and one of the major ways we are looking at giving back is through offering five scholarships for this year. These scholarships were developed over months of consultation and we are excited to open the doors for our students to apply to them.

Scholarship applications open until February 10th, 2025! Nominate yourself (or a friend!) now!


The following five sections briefly discuss each award, provide its monetary value, and any quirks that are important to note for it. Once you have read over them, determined which ones you would like to apply to, we encourage you to begin thinking about your application using the form above. You will have to provide reasoning for why you or your nominee are deserving of the award. There is no word minimum or maximum as believe that defeats the purpose of justification - do as much or as little as you believe is appropriate. You may also provide a PDF application for each award.

Please note that all Sr. Executives of the Electrical Engineering Club are unable to receive any scholarship(s). Additionally, all technical requirements may be found in the Policy Manual.


Award Valued at $500 CAD.

The Golden Ohm Award is awarded to an individual who has demonstrated strong academic performance in addition to extracurricular involvement, whether it be with student clubs, sports, volunteering, or other. We encourage everyone who feels they have been very involved with various things and who have committed themselves strongly to this program to apply for this award.

Specific Requirements:

  • One of the most important aspects of this award is that it is not given exclusively to those who demonstrated excellent academic performance. We do not consider a 4.0 GPA greatly above a 3.0 GPA, for example.

  • You may have to provide an unofficial transcript.


Award Valued at $350 CAD.

This award embodies much of the rationale behind Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. It is awarded to an individual who had demonstrated a strong passion towards something such as a hobby, high skill in something such as a sport, or otherwise deemed significant. We believe that each and every electrical engineering student has something outstanding that deserves to be recognized - that is the purpose of this award.

Best of all, the individual who is awarded this gets crowned as “Person of the Year” which is a title worth fighting for.

Specific Requirements:

  • Academic performance is not considered for this award, though application of academic content may be considered.


Award Valued at $350 CAD.

One of the primary focuses within engineering culture and STEM culture more broadly is the move towards a more diverse and open community. The Electrical Engineering Club wishes to recognize an individual who has demonstrated passion towards the promotion and advocacy of underprivileged groups. In spirit, this award looks to recognize someone who puts others above themselves and who demonstrates the idea of creating a more diverse, equitable, and better society.

Specific Requirements:

  • Be a member of an underprivileged group within electrical engineering. This includes but not is limited to those who identify as woman, LGBTQIA2S+, racial and ethnic minorities, and religious minorities. If you are uncomfortable with expressing what groups you are a member of, please reach out to


Award Valued at $150.

The only way the Electrical Engineering Club is capable of hosting events, industry mixers, running our club room, and everything else we do is through our excellent Jr. Executive volunteers. Jr. Executives are the life, blood, and future of the Electrical Engineering Club and we wish to recognize a Jr. Executive who has gone above and beyond towards the Club. The recipient must demonstrate both strong leadership but also commitment towards the mission of the Club.

Specific Requirements:

  • Must be a Jr. Executive for the 2024-25 academic year.

  • Cannot be on the Scholarship Selection Committee.


Award Valued at $150.

The Electrical Engineering Club Certificate in Hardware Design (EECERT) is a new initiative that has begun this year. It looks to introduce students to the basics of hardware design and ranges from basic breadboarding up to soldering, PCB design, and more. This year we took on thirty participants and look to acknowledge a student who has gone above and beyond the scope of the program. Additionally, the recipient of this award demonstrates strong passion towards hardware design, but does not need to be the strongest performing from a technical perspective.

Specific Requirements:

  • Must be enrolled in and complete the EECERT program for the 2023-24 academic year.

  • Must be recommended by the EECERT Coordinator and therefore you cannot apply for this award.