Senior Executive Elections 2025/2026
All information regarding elections can be found in our Policy Manual and Constitution. For questions regarding the election, please email Ava Milne-Epp at or The election forum will be held Monday, March 3rd, at 6 pm, in NREF 2-001. Voting takes place from March 5th to March 6th.
Other key dates for the election can be found at the bottom of this page.
Candidate Platforms
Candidate Platforms
About Us
Evan Hartnell (He/Him) is a 5th year Electrical Engineering Co-op student who has been with the club for many years starting as a Student Life Coordinator in his 2nd year, becoming VP-Academics & Services in his 3rd year to Co-found EECERT, and is the Executive Assistant as of now. You may have seen him at events like the ECE 2nd Year BBQ, ENGG Carnival, Welcome Back Bash, GEER Week, and around on MECE 5 quite often. Evan hopes to use his experiences with the club and in engineering to better students’ experience throughout their degree by refining the services that the club currently provides. This will allow programs like EECERT to thrive and continue to support the learning of ECE students.
Jared James (He/Him) is a 5th year Electrical Engineering Nano-Option student who has been a member of the club since Fall 2023, starting out as a Services/Clubroom Coordinator, and eventually becoming the current Co-VP Academics & Services for this year. You’ve probably seen him around (or have heard him) in various means, sometimes grilling it up at the ECE 2nd Year BBQ, getting dunked at the ENGG Carnival, instructing the EECERT Program, competing in GEER Week, or hanging out on MECE 5 in the clubroom! Jared strives to use his experience within the club to better improve the club’s overall function and resources, as well as to continue improving the electrical engineering student experience for the future generations.
The two of us look forward to making long lasting memories with all of you and even longer lasting impacts on Electrical Engineering experience at the UofA as your presidents.
Main Points
Continuing Culture
Currently, the Electrical Engineering Club roster is filled with vibrant personalities, all of which aid to help create a culture within the team, that being one of fun, assistance, and compassion. To uphold this culture, we will:
Provide multiple opportunities for team bonding
Continue to encourage use of the clubroom for both academic and leisure means.
Provide new opportunities for Jr. Exec participation in events such as E2-C2 and EECERT
Encourage Sr. Exec and Jr. Exec socialization
Academic Assistance
For a long time, the Electrical engineering club as strived to help provide academic resources to aid students in their studies, to continue this initiative we will:
Work alongside 2nd year and 3rd year students to create comprehensive course reviews
Create flowcharts to help students find courses that match what they wish to learn in electrical engineering
Work alongside Department and willing professors to create an exam bank similar to other discipline clubs
Setup help sessions in the clubroom where students can come ask questions about course content.
Furthering Opportunities
The Electrical Engineering Club has been providing opportunities for the acquisition and development of new skills, to further this, we will:
Work alongside project groups/companies to host workshops where students can gain skills relevant to the industry
Continue to refine the EECERT program to provide the opportunities for students to learn and practice basic skills in electrical engineering
Host E2-C2 with the intent of diversifying the design challenge such that teams are gaining relevant hands on experience
Host more networking events such that students may be able to find internships, Co-op opportunities and new grad roles.
Portfolio Specific Points
Continue to represent the electrical engineering student body with future program changes and addressing concerns within our current programs
Work alongside the ECE Department to tackle any oncoming challenges to the program, and continue to improve the quality of the program
Help provide input on new streams being added to the discipline, by means of surveys and face-to-face conversations.
Continue to provide feedback on courses to the Department and help introduce new relevant courses to modern electrical engineering
Supporting the VPs in their duties to ensure the best product is produced for engineering students.
More communication (i.e face-to-face meetings) with the VPs and continually check how we can support them better overall
Hold more team building activities to further the bond of the SEC Board of Directors:
Representation of the club council and greater members to the board with a strong advocacy towards inclusivity and opportunities for all.
Will inform the SEC of the current BOD agenda and ask any questions posed by the SEC about the BOD agenda.
General Meetings:
We will plan and execute annual general meetings to share the club’s activities and inner workings to the public and members
Hold executive meetings on a regular basis to keep the direction and responsibilities of the council running in a smooth manner.
Continue to hold Club Councils frequently to help improve the bond between all Jr. Execs and Sr. Execs
Leadership and Strategy:
Provide direction for the club in a manner that ensures the success of all operations for the duration of our term and for many years beyond.
Act as the face of the club and take responsibility for the actions of executive members, as well as uphold the club’s values when dealing with external organizations.
Operations and Finances
Rework the application form to include a section that specifically mentions what you intend to do with the club if not clear from the ranking of roles you have selected.
Rewrite the interview response sheets to include much more relevant questions to the specific roles as well as better general questions.
Use the new e-transfer capabilities to its fullest use for larger purchases such paying tabs, merch orders, and reimbursements.
Continue to use Square and the cashbox system for smaller purchases like selling stock
Internal Affairs
Create a graphic to help visualize which lockers we sell and where the numbers are.
Work alongside the VP Internal(s) to further improve the clubroom and its future direction
External Relations
Work alongside the VP External(s) to help setup sponsorship opportunities for the club as well as to create networking opportunities for the general electrical engineering population
Implement the “E2-C2 Director” role as mentioned below when they are appointed after the election to allow for plenty of time to prepare for the large event in the following school year.
Sponsorship Package:
Put the new sponsorship package that has been developed to use and attract companies to support our clubroom, events, E2-C2, and EECERT.
Academics & Services
Continue refining EECERT into a sustainable product that will outlast its early benefactors.
Work with sponsors to increase the reputability and funding towards the program and club.
Implement and guide EECERT Directors to the continual improvement of the position and program
Ensure there is year after year help and practice for exams provided by the club to aid students in need.
Create a “Resource Vault” to have publically accessible course resources to use
Student Life
GEER Week:
Not only do we wish to continue our winning streak as GEER Week champions, but we want to ensure that the event as a whole is participated in a manner that ensures fun for all disciplines.
We will advocate for a fair balance between competition and fun for all in the rules and oversight of GEER Week.
Provide earlier oversight of GEER Week preparation including preparing a list of themes by the first club council meeting. This will allow more time for Battle of the Bands to prepare and for Movie Night filming.
General Events:
Work alongside the VP Student Life to help create new engaging and fun events for all
Continue annual events like the Halloween event, Golf Tournament, ETC
Help host more Executive team events as oppose to one per academic year
Create templates for advertisements of recurring events and meetings in advance to allow for early communication of club activities.
Update our sponsorship information on the website to reflect our new sponsorship package.
Perform regular updates to the site for transition and archaic sections.
Continue to uphold our current media presence on Instagram
Post upcoming events, and other important information on our page and story
Clean up and use the club’s Linkedin account similar to how other disciplines clubs use theirs
Other Key Points
Modify VP Student Life to mention their involvement as a leader in GEER Week planning and decision making. Remove subsection ii. under VP Student Life addressing the power to approve or deny all extracurricular events regardless of portfolio.
Under Section V.III add a subsection mentioning that the approval and denial of all extracurricular events when subject to a disagreement falls to a majority vote of the senior executive committee.
Jr. Executive Roles:
Modify/Remove the Academic & Community Representative Jr. Exec role as it has proved redundant
Modify Banquet & Graduation Coordinator to Graduation Representative as there is now an ESS committee to assist with this.
Modify Events Coordinator to specify one third of the events coordinators to be dedicated to helping with GEER Week.
Add “Director” roles for the following: “EECERT”, “Merchandise” and “E2-C2”, Coordinator roles underneath these directors will be redefined accordingly
Freedom of information: we will work to provide free and accessible information that is useful to electrical engineering students.
Quality of Education: we will collaborate with the Faculty and ESS to ensure electrical engineering students are receiving quality instruction.
Accessibility to Resources: We will work to ensure every student has access to the needed resources to succeed within their educational journey
Transparency: we will continue to expand involvement in the EE club, and increase awareness of who we are and what we do.
Inclusivity and diversity: we will work within an intersectional framework to make positive change for engineering students who are women, religious and ethnic minorities, 2SLGBTQQIA+, disabled, neurodivergent, or otherwise members of underrepresented and underprivileged groups.
Connection: we will work with the other VPs to provide a well rounded experience that reaches all the EE students.
Vice President Operations and Finance
About Them
Victor Cherniak and Shawn Kerr are the incumbent operations and finance vice presidents. Both in their fourth and last years, they are looking forward to further shaping the club to be more helpful and impactful for all electrical engineering students.
Some of their shining accomplishments throughout their first year of tenure include the highest junior executive hiring and retention in EE Club history, successfully ending the 3-4 year long hunt to unlock e-Transfer, and getting reimbursement cheques out in a timely manner.
Victor believes junior executives are the key to successful club growth, allowing more participation, fresh ideas, and dedicated members to further the club goals. He plans to continue refining how junior executives are hired and integrated, to make the process easy and fun for potential new members. Further, Victor hopes to help the other portfolios by streamlining some of the tedious financial aspects of the club, building on the versatility e-Transfer opens up for the club.
A particular goal of Shawn’s is to streamline the accounting side of things to ensure that the money side of the club all balances out. Shawn believes that by working alongside his assistant this upcoming year there will be the opportunity to properly train the next generation that will be able to take over once he is gone.
Shawn was able to accomplish a long standing goal of previous VP’s in his role that is being able to accept e-transfers, which outlines his dedication to seeing a resolution to issues.
Together they hope to work their butts off for the benefit of the EE club, (for the) EE fox!
Vice President Internal Affairs
Alex Melvin
3rd year trad student who has done a brief stint as Jr ops-exec before doing this year as Co VP Internal. I am also a member of the AlbertaSat power team, beyond that I play hockey, have a love of board games, dnd, and camping.
Ivan Abdullah
Currently a third year traditional student acting as a clubroom and EECERT coordinator for a year who has been engaged in various club activities such as the bake sale, GEER week, and general clubroom volunteering thus showing dedication to the club along with proficient interpersonal skills when interacting with the student population. Avid book reader and rock climber on the side.
Our main priority with stock is maintaining the large amounts we have with emphasis on drinks and freezer items. We would also like to aim for less downtime between stock runs as well as putting out more advertisements aimed at people outside of the Sr and Jr exec pool.
We would like to introduce a google form quiz for newly trained clubroom coordinators with the goal of making sure they know where to find information if they need it. Putting more of an emphasis on cleaning as one of the clubroom coordinators’ responsibilities is also something we are going to focus on.
Current locker system is working well, we would like to make sure our start of semester advertisement is really strong as that is where the bulk of sales come from.
Clubroom tidiness is a priority for us, we want to make sure that the space does not get too cluttered which we think will help considering the large numbers of people that hang out there. There are a number of resources and amenities that are offered by the club, we are looking at consolidating some of these by selling some of the unused ones and getting other things or upgrading other services. For example selling the Playstation and getting a better microwave (just an example).
Thank you for your time and consideration, if you have any questions feel free to email either or we would be more than happy to answer!
Vice President Academics and Services
Welcome to our platform for the forthcoming EE Club elections. This platform contains a breakdown of our goals and some new initiatives that will demonstrate our suitability for the position of Vice President of Academics and Services. Before we carry on, here’s a little bit about ourselves:
Oluwadamilola Ojo is a second-year Electrical Engineering Co-op student. He is passionate about strengthening a stronger academic community where all electrical engineering students can develop themselves and interact with their peers to improve their learning experience. With his background in student leadership, mentorship, and community service, he is dedicated to making meaningful improvements that benefit all electrical engineering students.
Stephen Matta is a second-year Electrical Engineering Co-op student; he is excited to work with other passionate and motivated engineers to develop a strong academic community. He strives to create a positive environment together with his peers where everyone can feel safe and accepted for who they are. With his experience in volunteering and in leadership roles he is excited to make an impact to help all engineering students
If we are elected as VP Academics and Services, we will strive to complete the following initiatives.
As potential candidates for the VP Academics and Services role, we acknowledge the importance of academics in the journey of all students, and this is why we are paying to be here. It is our (looking for a word) to increase the accessibility of up-to-date academic resources to all Electrical Engineering students, to do so we have come up with the following initiatives:
EE Resource Hub
The EE resource hub would be an online collection of resources, including but not limited to research opportunities in electrical engineering, industry insights and academic resources, that would be available to every EE student. This is to ...Final Review Sessions
We plan to extend the review sessions that are currently being run to 300-level courses. These review sessions will aim to provide a space where practice finals provided by the professors and other related material can be studied by students. Upper-year volunteers will also be present to help as needed.EE Study Nights
We will organize weekly study sessions where electrical engineering students can work on assignments, labs, and projects in a collaborative environment. Upper-year volunteers will be available to assist with challenging concepts.
Providing tangible support to students goes beyond academics; it is about ensuring they have access to the resources, advocacy, and chances they require to succeed. As Co-VPs of Academics and Services, we are dedicated to promoting the representation of students, strengthening communication with faculty, and increasing access to critical services that make a significant impact on student life.
Below are key initiatives we will implement to achieve these goals.
Strengthening Communication with Faculty
We will provide a clear and consistent channel of communication between the student and the faculty, ensuring that student concerns, course feedback and suggestions are heard and considered. We would also try to mediate disputes between students and faculty membersOutreach to First Year Students
We would collaborate with the FYEC and the faculty to get more representation for electrical engineering among the first-year students. We plan to do this by getting more involved in the First Year Nights hosted yearly for first-year students where we would provide more information about the Electrical Engineering ClubInclusivity & Accessibility Initiatives
Ensure that all students, particularly underrepresented and neurodivergent students, have access to academic adjustments, resources, and inclusive events that are tailored to their specific needs.Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration
We will strive to increase collaboration between the Electrical Engineering Club and other student organizations by hosting social events, interdisciplinary learning and skill-building programs for students.
The Electrical Engineering Certificate in Hardware Design (EECERT) program is intended to augment undergraduate coursework by equipping students with practical knowledge and applied technical abilities. Students follow a structured series of six skill-development modules to receive hands-on experience with breadboarding, LTSpice basics, Arduino, PCB design, soldering, and other essential tools used in electrical engineering.
EECERT has developed tremendously over the years, and we are committed to its continued success as an annual event. Our EECERT goals this year include:Industry Collaboration
We plan to collaborate with local industries and professionals to oƯer guest lectures, workshops, or mentorship programs. This collaboration can provide students with real-world experience and networking opportunities.Alumni Network
We will involve more people who have completed the EECERT program to give feedback on how to make the modules better and to help teach the module to students. This would allow for continuous improvement of the program based on student input.EECERT Handbook
To ensure the sustainability and smooth running of the EECERT program, we would create a detailed guidebook outlining the program structure, the breakdown of each module and the best teaching practices that would be given to EECERT instructors. This handbook will help future coordinators organize and improve the overall quality of education.Additional Funding & Sponsorships
To grow and improve EECERT, we plan to seek further financing from the University of Alberta Students' Union (UASU) and work with industry sponsors and professional organizations in electrical engineering, as well as departmental and faculty funding. This will help broaden participants' learning opportunities.Expand Enrollment Capacity
Each year, interest in EECERT grows, but spaces are limited. We plan to increase the number of students accepted into the program allowing more people to benefit from it.Expand EECERT Team
To keep the high standard of the EECERT, we plan to recruit and train more EECERT coordinators, preferably people who have completed the course previously.
Jr. Executives
As Co-VP Academic and Services we will try to create new and creative ways to involve junior executives in the future. We plan to do this by engaging more commitment and starting new initiatives for those passionate and willing to make a real change in the electrical engineering stream. We wish to spread the word about the Electrical Engineering Club among all engineers and host outreach initiatives for academic support. We also plan on improving and continuing past initiatives with a primary focus on junior executive involvement. If we are elected, we will make sure that everyone who is motivated can have an opportunity to make a difference through the below initiatives:
Continue planning, hosting and spreading the word about final review sessions for ECE courses.
Continue creating midterm and final review packages.
Making educational resources easily accessible.
Outreach to fellow students informing them about the academic resources we offer.
Help in administration and fiscal matters.
Recruitment of passionate students who want to make a difference
As Co-VP Academic and Service these are some of the values that we would like to maintain and uphold:
Inclusivity and Diversity
We will continue to uphold the inclusivity and diversity of everyone in the club and make sure that the Electrical Engineering Club is a safe space for everyone no matter what. We would work tirelessly to ensure the voices of underprivileged and underrepresented groups in engineering are heard.Accessibility
We would work to ensure that every electrical engineering student regardless of background or circumstances, has equal access to academic, professional, and mental health resources both within and outside the Electrical Engineering Club.Advocacy and Awareness
Standing up for the academic needs of students by pushing for better resources and establishing stronger support systems would be our priority. We aim to be a bridge between the students and faculty and stand against the unfair treatment of students.Education
We are committed to creating an environment that fosters learning, collaboration and academic success. By offering engaging study sessions, review seminars, and mentorship opportunities, we will help students attain their greatest potential.Community & Collaboration
Through strong partnerships with faculty, student organizations and other VPs of the Electrical Engineering Club, we will improve all electrical engineering students' academic and extracurricular experiences. Together, we will create a supportive, connected, and involved community.
Closing Remarks
We are excited and passionate about helping our fellow engineers in their education, and about pursuing different methods involving everyone in this great educational journey. We want to have a lasting impact on how electrical engineering is taught and learned by students. We thank you for taking the time to read through our platform, we also hope that we have provided you with some reasons that’ll lend us your vote. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us, we are more than willing to answer them.
Thank you so much for your time!
- Stephen Matta, Oluwadamilola Ojo
Hello fellow Electrical Engineering students,
We are Jason Wang and Malik Goa, and we are excited to be running for the positions of VP Academics and Services for the EE Club for the upcoming academic year. We hope to enhance the academic experience and support systems for all ECE students, from second year and beyond. We have a clear vision for the future of the EE Club and are committed to making meaningful changes that will benefit all students. Detailed below is some of the changes that we would like to make to the club if you vote for us:
1. More Midterm and Final Review Sessions
- We would like to hold more structured tutoring sessions on a somewhat regular basis well before exams so that students can get the help they need before they reach a point where they need to cram
- Create review session materials so that a consistent level of quality is maintained for all review sessions for the next year and beyond
2. Start the creation of an exam bank as well as further expand existing study resources
- This will be something similar to what ChemE has, with the additional formula sheets and notes. (For those who don't know ChemE has an exam bank for nearly every ChemE course)
- We want to finish the creation of review packets for all second year classes , and start to work on material for 3rd and 4th year classes
- We would like for all these materials to be put up onto the website for easy accessibility for all ECE students
3. More Workshops and Skill-Building Events
- Connect with other clubs like AlbertaSat and AVRP about doing potential workshops and expanding the ones we have done previously to be more streamlined, to get more people interested in these student project clubs
- Create a workshop for first year engineering students that teaches basic breadboarding to get more people interested in electrical engineering
4. Creation of an ECE forum on the website
- This forum would essentially be a place where students could give honest feedback and reviews on classes taken by different profs. This could then be presented to let students know which courses they should or should not take.
Why Vote for Us?
- Jason Wang: I am passionate about helping students succeed academically and have experience organizing events and creating study resources. You might have already seen some of the review packages I've created with Farhan floating around. I hope to have the opportunity to expand upon what exists and also create more and better resources for the ECE department. I am excited to have the opportunity to make the EE Club a valuable resource for all ECE students!
- Malik Goa: Vote for me as VP Academic, and I'll advocate for better resources and academic support for fellow Electrical Engineering students. I’ve contributed to final review materials for ECE 202 and ECE 210 and plan to develop even more for this semester’s finals. I’m dedicated to representing our ECE community and creating meaningful learning experiences to help us all succeed!
Vote Jason Wang & Malik Goa for VP Academics and Services!
Vice President External Relations
We, Manav Joshi and Om Thaware, are excited to present our vision for the Electrical Engineering Club. Our goal is to elevate the club’s impact, increase student engagement, and strengthen industry connections. With a focus on growth, sponsorships, and interdisciplinary collaboration, we aim to make the EE Club an essential part of every engineering student’s journey.
Our Action Plan:
Expand the scale and impact of E2-C2 by securing more sponsorships.
Increase student participation by highlighting the benefits and opportunities the event offers.
Encourage interdisciplinary teams to foster collaboration across engineering fields and enhance problem-solving approaches.
Promote EECERT among students, showcasing its value for skill development and career growth.
Secure sponsorships to expand the program’s reach and capacity, allowing more students to participate.
Use increased funding to strengthen the EE Club’s offerings, ensuring sustainable growth and a greater impact.
Sponsorships & Industry Engagement
Build stronger relationships with industry leaders to secure sponsorships that benefit club initiatives.
Develop a modern and professional sponsorship program that makes it easy for companies to support the club.
Increase the club’s visibility in the industry to unlock more opportunities for members.
Industry Nights
Partner with locally present and actively recruiting companies to bring in top employers.
Increase student turnout by making Industry Nights a premier networking event.
Focus on providing more co-op and internship opportunities for EE students.
With your support, we can take the Electrical Engineering Club to new heights, providing students with greater opportunities, resources, and industry connections.
Thanks for your consideration,
Manav & Om
Vice President Student Life
Hello! Our names are Anyka Le and Sean Theriault, and we are running for Co-Vice Presidents of Student Life for the Electrical Engineering Club.
About Ourselves:
Anyka Le:
Is a second-year EE student and a current Jr. Executive Events and Clubroom Coordinator.
Facts about her:
Enjoys playing badminton
Jellycat connoisseur
Sean Theriault:
Is a third-year EE student and the current Director of Media-Videography at ESS. And former EE club Co-VP Comms
Facts about him:
Allergic to trees
Hawkins cheezies fan
Platform Points:
Prioritize EE Students
EE Events
Encourage EE students to get to know their classmates and make new connections by hosting fun social events, such as:
EE BBQ In Emily Murphy
Welcome Mixer
Welcome Back Bash
EE Gaming Tournaments - Wii, Mario Kart
Movie Nights
Organize events that students can easily attend, I.E plan around exam season
Get More Students Involved
Work with Communications to market events and try to draw in students who otherwise would not be interested or who haven't been involved in the past by making events seem more accessible
We've won GEER Week the last two years. We want to keep this energy going, by getting as many EE students excited about it as possible and trying to get even more students involved, through promoting it at other EE events.
Build a strong club culture through successful events leading towards GEER week, ensuring EE can come together to win GEER week again
Grad Banquet
Similar to the Execs from last year, we hope to:
Get suggestions from graduating students about how they want their graduation banquet to be
Get a head start on preparations to ensure a successful banquet
Work hard with the CompE and EngPhys Clubs to provide a fantastic banquet
Assure the Banquet is held at the best location possible (Opposeek locations that the EE Graduation Body finds undesirable)
Philanthropic Events
Continue to run fundraising events like the ECE smash competition
Organize events to help charities within the local community - Tree Planting, Food Bank
Continue ongoing bake sale fundraisers to fund club activities - ChompEE bake sale
ECE and Engineering Unity
More interaction between all ECE students
Collaborate with CompE Club and EngPhys Club
Host events where students from other disciplines are encouraged to join
Connect the engineering student body (All Disciplines, not just ECE)
Thank you for taking the time to read through our campaign platform. We are super excited about the potential of hosting fun events next year. Your support is super important to us, and together, we can make the upcoming year unforgettable!
Vote for another incredible year of fun!
Vice President Communications
Hey there! My name is Ethan Caume and I have the pleasure of re-running to be the Electrical Engineering Club's Vice President of Communications for the 2025-26 school year. Besides being an incumbent, I previously served as President of EE from 2023-24 and as our GEER Week 80 PR Representative in 2022-23. When I haven’t been doing direct club work, I have been the drummer in our GEER Week band for 3 years now, with two 1st and a 2nd place rankings to show for it. This club has been where I have met so many of my best friends and has given me the memories I always hoped to have in University. With that said, I now have the chance to return the favour to everyone who helped me have fun.
Over the last year, I have spent a lot of time making advertisements, Instagram posts, Discord changes and generally learning the role of VP Comms better. In that time, we surpassed Mechanical Engineering's Instagram following for a few days (with half the student population!), had great attendance for our AGMs, and got everyone to show up for our second GEER week victory in a row!
After being at the job for a year, things settle in more. I have seen and had great outreach and I have also had shortcomings, both personally and within the system of this role. As all engineers should, I have been brainstorming solutions to these problems. Should you vote for me, my platform below outlines all big changes and initiatives I have set for the coming year.
If you have any questions, I can be emailed at, or messaged on discord @Pynorian. Thanks :) and may the best candidate win.
Update Website
In many different Jr. Executive interview, I have been told that our website looks nice but does not have information students want. To remedy this, I will reflect on old comments made and combine them with new design ideas to revamp the website. Comments have included condensing our home page, changing pictures displayed, and including a bulletin list of upcoming events.
New Types of Social Media Posts
Another complaint given was about the Instagram. I have been told we lack personality and information about our club more generally, only having ads for events. My solution is to continue creating posts about events after they happen and to start making posts that involve central club information (e.g. Sr. Executives, Clubroom Location, Updates, etc).
Maintaining Design
Over the past ~5 years of social media presence, our posts have differed drastically in style. For the last two years we have had a style guide to act as a standard, thereby unifying our media and improving professionality. I intend to continue using the guide while making its presence better known internally so that future members will follow.
Newsletter Consulting
The EE Club newsletter has been inactive since Fall of 2023. This was caused by many factors, but the most important was the mailing list removal from all disciplines. Prior to the summer of 2023, all discipline clubs and the ESS received complete lists of student emails from the students they represented. This worked perfectly, as it resolved communication issues with those who do not stick around on campus. Since its removal all clubs have had to resort to a ‘sign-up’ model, DRASTICALLY reducing outreach. My fix will be consulting various parties (both inside and outside EE) to see current newsletter workarounds and promotion opportunities. Actual outreach by these newsletters will be monitored to see if the work is worth the time and effort downstream.
Open The Discord
Our Discord channel has historically been for executives. While those rules have loosened over time, the Discord still feels very cliquey. This is a missed opportunity for students, as the Discord gives people a chance to directly ask us questions about classes and tech more generally. This is why I intend to increase the publicity of our server. Bots and people with bad intentions will still be an issue, but I will look into server options to deter/halt progress.
Key Dates
Nominations open:
Nominations close:
Campaigning begins:
Election Forum:
Voting opens:
Voting closes:
Wednesday, February 5th, 9 AM
Monday, February 24th, 5 AM
Tuesday, February 25th, 9 AM
Monday, March 3rd, 6 PM
Wednesday, March 5th, 9 AM
Thursday, March 6th, 5 PM